How long will it take me to drive to The Telford International Centre?

The Telford International Centre's central location means it is easily accessible from anywhere in the UK. We've put together these approximate drive times to give you an idea of how long your journey is likely to take:

Where is the nearest car park?

The Telford International Centre has over 1,500 car parking spaces on site, all within easy walking distance of the venue.

Parking is free for attendees at The Beekeeping Show (subject to availability). There are multiple car parks within Telford town centre which are chargeable.

Can I charge my electric vehicle (EV)?

There are four fast-charging (22 kWh untethered) electric vehicle (EV) charge points on the Telford International Centre campus. These are located between The International Hotel and the Holiday Inn Telford Ironbridge. You will simply need to plug in your vehicle using your own charging cable and follow the instructions on the charging unit, moving your vehicle to a parking space once charged. 

Is there a train station nearby?

Telford Central Station is located less than a mile from The Telford International Centre and is walkable in around 15 minutes.  There is also a regular bus service from the train station to The Telford International Centre.

Where is the nearest airport?

The Telford International Centre is less than an hour by road from Birmingham International Airport. There are rail connections from Birmingham International Station, which is accessible directly from the airport.

What facilities are there for visitors with access requirements?

The Telford International Centre prides itself on being an accessible venue for everyone.  There are disabled parking bays on site, near to the main entrance, and there is a lift available within the venue, providing access to the first floor if needed.

Can I bring my dog or other pet?

Assistance dogs are always welcome at The Beekeeping Show. However, we are unable to allow access for all other dogs and/or other animals. 

How do I collect bulky goods at the show?

There is a wax exchange and goods collection point immediately outside the show hall. Vehicles may be brought from the car park to the goods collection point for loading purposes. Several traders will have a presence in this area for collection of pre-ordered goods. 

Do you cater for special dietary requirements?

The show catering menu includes a range of options to meet all dietary requirements. Please speak to a member of the catering team on the day.